Why you should write something no one will read.

Why you should write something no one will read.

As much as I need to send the hopeful, green shoots of my writing into the world, I never forget this: even in the best of times, some of my writing has to take place underground.

Writing only for myself changed me (and my writing) forever.

Writing in public is like shuffling barefoot over loose, black earth. As delicious and all-consuming as it feels, you’re not really all-in. You’re still on the surface. An entire world is wriggling, pulsing and expanding just under your toes--and if you only write for others, you’ll tread on in oblivion.

The world opens up under your feet when you start writing alone. When you keep some of your writing only for you. When you reserve even a small part of your writing for your eyes only--without publishing, sharing or showing.

Don't find time to read. Read to take back your time.

Don't find time to read.  Read to take back your time.

I can't tell you how to find time to read. 

Time won't churn up like change between the cushions. 

You won't find it peeking out of your mailbox like a refund check.

And, despite what the life hackers say, you can't make more.

There are moments when life is beyond your control. When crisis knocks on your door, and you have to adjust your reading habits for a while.

But sometimes crisis moves in and starts sleeping on your couch. 'Crazy-busy' becomes a main character in your story. 

I'll just speak for myself: it happens more than I care to admit. It's too easy to slip from dealing with small crises, to simply living in crisis mode.

And here's what I've learned--one 'busy' person to another:

When your time doesn't seem to belong to you anymore, finding time to read is a fool's errand.  

It's the other way around. You're going to have to read to take back your time.   

When life takes you for a spin, READ.

When life takes you for a spin, READ.

You're going about your day--loosing your car keys, drinking your coffee, all the usual stuff of life, when life decides "Not today."

She sweeps you up in her fingers, tosses you into the wash--for a spin in the suds. The lid of the machine snaps down over your head. And now your life is churning and frothing.

All your plans cancelled for today; you wonder which way to swim. You try keep perspective. It's nothing personal, right? We'll all end up in the wash sooner or later.

Of course, you have your own own story.

My own trip through the wash includes includes a loved one, a car accident, months navigating hospitals, a new baby (that never slept!), moving in and out of a series of apartments all over the South of France, life as an immigrant...

And yours?

Constraints, blessings, chaos...bubbles. How's a human being to read in these conditions?

Then again, how do you make it through the wash without books to carry you through?

Special Edition--Curl up with a great...film. An interview with Cara Leopold

Special Edition--Curl up with a great...film.  An interview with Cara Leopold

After a long week, there's nothing better than putting on a pair of fuzzy socks and diving into a comfortable couch with a great book.  But you know what's not far behind?  

Diving into the couch knowing that, tonight, a great film awaits you! 

Because there's a certain magic in films (and series).  Maybe it's a magic not too far off from books.  

  • First of all, there's the chance to see a great book in another light when it gets made into a great movie. 

  • Then there's the fact that films are like single serving adventures.  You get the whole story, condensed down into one sitting.  (Well, sure you can read a book in a single sitting, but it takes just a bit longer!) 

  • If you're a writer you can get some unexpected inspiration from films and series (the good and the bad...) 

  • And if you're passionate about languages and cultures? Learning while you explore the creative expression of people around the world? Well, films, like books, are a beautiful way of joining in the fun.. 

Today at the blog, we'll focus on one exciting area of the film, language odyssey: 

Why we should read, write, and create together--as if our humanity depended on it.

Why we should read, write, and create together--as if our humanity depended on it.

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you value creativity.  How do I know? It may be a big world out there, but Vagabond English is a tiny community. Maybe, you and I have had the chance to ‘meet’ for a chat--about your reading, your writing, your quest for something a little different.  

That’s how I know you’ll understand when I tell you that often--too often--I can’t help but think that the biggest problems we face today boil down to a crisis of creativity.

Think about it.  When faced with today’s challenges, how many times do we see the same fearful reactions, watch our societies reach for thoughtless solutions or frame problems without even pausing to understand them fully?

If you watch the news once in a while, I bet you can think of some examples.  If you’ve stopped watching--well, it may be because of what I’ve just mentioned.

All of this makes me wonder--is watching and reacting enough? 

Maybe it’s time to ask ourselves that small question that is the beginning of any creative endeavor: ‘what if?’ 

Vagabond English Literary Edition--and Celebration!

Vagabond English Literary Edition--and Celebration!

Maybe you didn't realize I was inviting you to a celebration today, but thanks for coming!

Thanks for joining me on a year of reading and writing adventures.  (Yes! our blog and book club have just hit the one year mark.)

And after this year of reading books and stories, journaling, and slowing down the pace of life in general (or at least trying!) we've got our very first literary edition.   

Your fellow vagabonds--your fellow adventurers of the written word--are here to share a part of their writing journey with you.  

The stories, poems and personal essays you'll read in this very first literary edition are a collection of work inspired by the Slice of Life Creative Writing Program, the Short Story Series, or the Tiny Story Challenge we recently held at our Book Club on Facebook. 

5 Writers: 5 Meaningful Ways to Share Your Writing

5 Writers: 5 Meaningful Ways to Share Your Writing

When I think of my most meaningful writing (and reading) experiences, you know what they are? Two simple yet precious occasions where I was part of small, meaningful writing communities:

  • Where I could see by my reader’s comments (or the look on their faces)--that they ‘got it,’ that my story was their story too. 
  • Where I had the privilege of reading inspiring stories and then having one of those conversations with the author--the kind that Holden Caulfield dreamed of.

My time spent in small writing communities has taught me that sharing your work is maybe as important to the writing process as the hours you spend pounding they keys, or scribbling into your notebook. 

That finding other writers who 'get you,' and forging a relationship with them, is worth the work.

And that it all starts by being willing to share--at first with people you don't know that well--yet.

Why you should share what you write. (And why it shouldn't look like reality TV.)

Why you should share what you write. (And why it shouldn't look like reality TV.)

Writing--it's such a gift.  

Think about it:

  • Your writing is there for you in an unending supply--whenever you need it.
  • You can't use it up.
  • On the contrary, the more you write, the more the words seem to want to pour out of you.
  • And it's such a generous pastime! Share your writing with others, give something to your readers, and you don't have less, you have more--a stronger voice, better writing, even more to say.

How long have you known the writer in you? Did you meet her during childhood? Or maker her acquaintance more recently?

No matter.

Sharing your writing is one of the best ways you can grow--whether you're starting out or whether you've been at it for decades.

Today, we'll talk about WHY sharing your writing matters to your writing, and your writing habit.

But first, let's make sure we all understand what I mean when I say you should share your writing.  And maybe talk a bit about what I don't mean. 

Why you should read (and write!) short fiction.

Why you should read (and write!) short fiction.

Why should you read (and write) short fiction?

We're a multilingual community here at Vagabond English.  This is a place where you can read and discuss books and stories with people all over the world.

It's also a place to find your voice with a little writing and reading of your own. (No matter what language(s) you grew up speaking!)

So why should you read and write short fiction? 


  • Your reading leaves its footprints all over your writing.  
  • Because you want to read high quality writing...but you're busy!
  • Because reading great writing immerses you in the experience, and you learn lessons about writing. (how to craft a great story, how to write more beautiful prose)
  • Because reading and writing in a language you're learning helps immerse you in that language and 'think on your feet' so you become more fluent and flexible.  

And since everyone in our community has a different relationship to English, let me give you two ways you can work on your reading and writing habit today:

Uncharted territory: When your journal takes you on a new writing adventure.

Uncharted territory: When your journal takes you on a new writing adventure.

Do you know the most exciting thing about undertaking a writing project, a writing habit...a writing adventure? 

It's that moment after weeks, months, years of writing of covering uncharted territory, spilling miles of ink, when you look over your work.

And you see that you are someone new. A different person, a different writer. 

And in that moment, you realize: you have changed--and so have the goals and purposes of your writing.

And you find yourself contemplating new possibilities--a larger writing project, perhaps.

Like I said, your writing habit is an end in itself.  But writing habits also have a way of taking us to places we never expected.